Read chapters 12-19 (pages 165-305 in They Say, I Say. Then you have a choice. Do either of the two assignments listed below (or both if you need extra credit).
Because so much of the persuasion you'll be doing in your life is online and digital, I want you to focus on chapter 13 (pages 188-204 ).
Once you've done all the reading, please email me ( explaining three ways that the rhetorical moves outlined in the book (and indeed, in the entire class) can be used in your digital communication. I'm not looking for long complex responses but I need you to persuade me that you've thought deeply about this issue.
Focus on chapter 19 (pages 290-306). Once you've read the chapter, do Exercise #2 (include responses to a, b, and c) on page 305. Email your responses to me.
This assignment is worth 60 points.
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